Habib Luthfi encourages NU Congress to emphasize substance
Rabu, 24 November 2021 | 16:14 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
The member of the Tahkim Assembly of the NU 34th Congress, Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya hoped that the upcoming NU Congress would run well in accordance with the rules and ethics of the organization. Habib Luthfi did not want a sharp difference regarding the contestation of NU chairmen nomination. He hoped that it would be normal, because this was a congressional mandate.
"The mandate of holding the NU Congress is not only to elect the general chairman and rais 'aam, but also to think about substance, such as religious, social, political, and economic issues, which must be considered in depth and more seriously," Habib Luthfi said at a meeting with the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the NU 34th Congress, Imam Azis in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, Sunday (21/11/2021).
"Because this is a monumental congress, welcoming the second century, so this congress must be really serious in thinking about its substance," added Habib Luthfi.
The leader of the Pekalongan Kanzus Sholawat Majelis hoped that the contestation of the candidates for the NU general chairmanship would not lead to vulgar and pointy disputes. Moreover, it could cause various polemics in the media.
“Especially in the process of holding the congress later, we hope that there will be no more voices that make the congress become as if it were just a political arena. This is a religious organization and must uphold morality," said Habib Luthfi.
Previously, during the meeting, which was also attended by SC chairman Muhammad Nuh, the committee asked Habib Luthfi's willingness to become a member of the NU 34th Congress Tahkim Assembly. The cleric who is included in the ranks of most influential Muslims in the world, expressed his willingness.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the NU Congress Committee, Imam Aziz said that he requested Habib Luthfi's support for the charity concert which would be held in early December in Jakarta to make the congress success.
“Even so, the certainty will still be discussed by the committee. God willing, it will be held in early December. He was willing and very happy to be able to enliven the congress, so that this congress appeared cheerfully. In addition, it will also make the committee's efforts to raise funds successful through digital conference coins," said Imam Azis.
Contributor: Ahmad Naufa Khoirul Faizun
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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