RMI PBNU: Today's youth, leaders and determinants of the future of the nation
Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021 | 16:57 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. Such a very familiar phrase is not mere nonsense. Reflecting on Indonesia, which is enjoying a demographic bonus, this phrase has become a real thing in front of our eyes.
Deputy Secretary of Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah (RMI) of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Ahmad Athoillah made the remarks on a broadcast on TVNU accessed by NU Online, Wednesday (27/10/2021).
The phrase, he continued, was a milestone determining the nation's future and became a value that will be embraced by a country. "The future of the nation is largely determined by the good and the bad of today's youth," he said.
Therefore, he said that it was obligatory for the younger generation to prioritize morals, creativity, and productivity. These three things are the keys to forming a strong Indonesia. It is in the hands of the younger generation that the hope of society will rest in the future.
"So, the presence of these young people is an embryo of a new generation in the socio-cultural order of society. The creativity and character possessed by these young people will determine the character and morality of the nation in the future," Ahmad Athoillah said.
Supported by excellent physical conditions, Ahmad Athoillah continued, the younger generation should not fall into a sudden feeling of satisfaction and comfort with what they have. This can trigger a decline and hamper productivity.
In addition, the next generation of the leadership relay must be able to sort out the information currently overflowing in all media. Don't easily be trapped into victims of fake news, that show how uncritical their thinking and principles are.
“Youth must be agents of change. So, for young people in Indonesia who have creative skills, and a strong desire, the strength will awaken other young generations to be able to bring a nation into a strong nation and state," he explained.
Therefore, instead of focusing on the affairs of love, which become a commodity for discussion by their age group, young people and women must build optimism. With this optimism for the process, young people will be formed into positive individuals. This is the capital to build a strong nation.
"Therefore, let us as young people be happy and cheerful individuals, not whiny. Not only because of problems related to love and romance that surround us. Yes, if it's just a distraction. Don't let it be the most important thing," he concluded.
Contributor: Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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