Pagar Nusa committed to strengthening international networks
Selasa, 4 Januari 2022 | 11:09 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
The Nahdlatul Ulama Martial Art (PSNU) Pagar Nusa has entered its 36th birthday on Monday (3/1/2022). The General Chairman of the PSNU Pagar Nusa Muchamad Nabil Haroen (Gus Nabil) conveyed various hopes for the future, especially on how the martial art organization could further improve its work.
On this stand, Pagar Nusa will strengthen its international network by consolidating networks abroad through cooperation with NU's special branch managements (PCI) and other related ones.
"So, later we will use martial arts (pencak silat) as a means of propagation and diplomacy through culture. In fact, recently many citizens outside Indonesia have asked to be taught martial arts from Pagar Nusa. This is what we will develop, we will collaborate," Gus Nabil told NU Online here on Tuesday (4/1/2022).
He ensured that strengthening the Pagar Nusa network would continue to be done in many ways. Among them with a command and training system. Gus Nabil admitted that he would prepare for organizational transformation with a neater data collection. The goal is to continue to produce the best warriors who are adaptive to the times.
"There are warriors who do carry out spiritual guarding, there are those who carry out intelligence mapping, some have to be shown to encourage a solid and coherent organization. We are preparing for organizational transformation with a neater data collection system," said the man who is also a member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR) RI.
But what is certain, the graduate from the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, East Java emphasized that Pagar Nusa would continue to serve or provide services for kiai (clerics), nyai (female clerics), pesantren, NU, and Indonesia.
"We are in one command to protect the Republic of Indonesia, and defend the kiai (and nyai) to the last drop of blood. This is the initial principle of Pagar Nusa from its founders," said the man who was born in Temanggung, Central Java, on July 25, 1984.
The Formation of Pagar Nusa
Quoted from the Encyclopedia NU, Pagar Nusa was formed on January 3, 1986 at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, East Java. After being formed, NU then authorized the establishment and management of Pagar Nusa through a Decree dated 9 Dzulhijjah 1406 or 16 July 1986.
Pagar Nusa originated from the attention and enthusiasm of the NU clerics against the attack on the martial arts in the pesantren. Whereas originally, pencak silat is a pride that is integrated with the life and activities of Islamic boarding schools.
The decline of pencak silat, among others, was marked by the role of Islamic boarding schools as pencak silat hermitages which were starting to disappear. The clerics or ulema (Muslim scholars) of the pesantren always fulfill themselves with pencak silat, especially in the aspect of self-defense guided internal energy or wisdom.
On the other hand, various pencak silat schools have grown with all their diversity based on religion, creed, and belief. The martial art schools have some of the time claimmed to be the best and the strongest.
The scholars-warriors feel uneasy seeing this reality. A warrior from Surabaya, H Suharbillah told the problem to prominent cleric KH Mustofa Bisri from Rembang, Central Java. The two figures then met with KH Agus Maksum Jauhari (Lirboyo) or Gus Maksum who was known as a martial arts figure.
Then on September 27, 1985, they gathered at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, East Java. The aim is to form a forum under the auspices of NU that specifically develops the martial arts.
The meeting was attended by martial arts figures from various regions such as Jombang, Ponorogo, Pasuruan, Nganjuk, Kediri, Cirebon, and Kalimantan. Then a decree was issued for the establishment of the NU Martial Arts Preparatory Team which was ratified on 27 Rabiul Awal to coincide with 10 December 1985, valid until 15 January 1986.
The next deliberation was held at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School on January 3, 1986. Then an agreement was made on the composition of the East Java daily management. This is the embryo of the central management of Pagar Nusa. At that time, Gus Maksum was elected as its general chairman.
Reporter: Aru Lego Triono
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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